EF Ally was built by our team of Nursing Home Administrators to get perfectly organized in our own buildings. Now we’re excited to share with you.

EF Ally was built by our team of Nursing Home Administrators to get perfectly organized in our own buildings. Now we’re excited to share with you.

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Manage Contracts
Easy access to current and historical contracts as well as reminders when expirations are coming up.

Organize Documents
A home for every facility document with easy access to download or share.

Policy Library
Keep all of your policies in one easily searchable place.

Contact Book
Store all important internal and external contacts for easy access.

Saved Projects
These can be initiated any time with instructions, policy files and timelines that you set in advance.

Plan of Correction Manager
The POC Manager will organize each tag, the correction plan, and who is responsible for tracking.

Also track practitioner credentials, manage grievances, and remain compliant with reportables.

Run Morning Meeting
Walk through the “to-do” list for all departments at your morning meeting.

Individual Tasks
Use tasks to assign one-off items to departments and easily track completion.

Reporting & Audit Trail
All historical tasks, projects, reportables, grievances and Plans of Correction are available through EF Ally’s reporting module.


Manage Contracts
Easy access to current and historical contracts as well as reminders when expirations are coming up.

Organize Documents
A home for every facility document with easy access to download or share.

Policy Library
Keep all of your policies in one easily searchable place.

Contact Book
Store all important internal and external contacts for easy access.

Saved Projects
These can be initiated any time with instructions, policy files and timelines that you set in advance.

Plan of Correction Manager
The POC Manager will organize each tag, the correction plan, and who is responsible for tracking.

Also track practitioner credentials, manage grievances, and remain compliant with reportables.

Run Morning Meeting
Walk through the “to-do” list for all departments at your morning meeting.

Individual Tasks
Use tasks to assign one-off items to departments and easily track completion.

Reporting & Audit Trail
All historical tasks, projects, reportables, grievances and Plans of Correction are available through EF Ally’s reporting module.

Skilled Nursing Facilities with EF Ally see results…

  • Ongoing Survey Preparedness

  • Leadership Team Retention

  • Regulatory Compliance

  • Improved Daily Operations

 Ongoing Survey Preparedness

Leadership Team Retention

Regulatory Compliance

Improved Daily Operations

Get Perfectly Organized

The contract manager gives you easy access to current and historical contracts as well as reminders when expirations are coming up.

We’ve All Been There…
You realize an important maintenance contract expired two months ago, the contract is nowhere to be found and you can’t recall the vendor name. With EF Ally, you would have been notified automatically of the expiring contract, and also have access the history of agreements to negotiate terms. Instead of taking days to track down, it takes a few minutes.

Real World Use
A surveyor walks in and wants to review five specific contracts. You pull up EF Ally your phone and in less than a minute you have sent all five.

There are dozens of documents and licenses that may be needed at a moments notice. Keep what’s important in one place with easy access to download or share.

Save time to focus on what’s most important…

You need a copy your latest Employee Handbook, but your HR person is on leave and not responding. Instead of taking a half day to get the latest version, you pull up the file from EF Ally right away.

Manage by Best Practices

Saved Projects can be initiated any time with detailed instructions, policy files and timelines that you set in advance.

An unplanned event happens, what do you do next?
When you’re managing an active situation (COVID related, a fall with injury, serious reportables) you want your team to have clear instructions on process, required documentation, notification requirements and compliance related tasks. In advance of that time, you can create a Saved Project that includes detailed instructions and policy/procedure files to be initiated whenever needed. You and your team can spend those first important minutes managing the situation with confidence.

What if  you aren’t in the building?
Having Saved Projects prepared in advance will allow continuity even if the management team is not in the building or unreachable. EF Ally takes some pressure off of the team to be “always on” with clear expectations set in advance.

When you need to write a Plan of Correction (POC) after a survey, the POC Manager will organize each tag, the correction plan, and who is responsible for tracking until your building is cleared.

Writing a Plan of Correction from scratch can be daunting…

EF Ally is pre-loaded with a template Plan of Correction for almost every single Federal Tag a building can get. Use these templates to get a head start on writing a best practice POC so you and your team can spend more time implementing.

Ensure Accountability

The Morning Meeting module allows you to walk through the “to-do” list for all departments at your morning meeting.

When you remember that important item just after morning meeting…
EF Ally’s Morning Meeting module keeps you and your team accountable to the important tasks each department is responsible to complete.

EF Ally looks great on mobile phones and tablets.
You can easily integrate the EF Ally Morning Meeting module into your normal routine using any cell phone or tablet.

Learn how EF Ally can get you perfectly organized.

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